Are you trying to conceive and not having any success? You might want to give an herbal remedy a try!
Couples who are trying to conceive sometimes need an extra boost by mother nature.
Before trying grueling fertility medication, try herbal supplements for less cost instead!
If you’re hoping to get pregnant in the near future, an herbal supplement me be just the fertility boost you’ve been looking for…
Many couples have troubles getting pregnant. In fact, 1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility.
It is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Odds are someone you personally know struggled with fertility at one point or another.
People just don’t talk about infertility. It’s not really something anyone likes to bring up at a dinner party.
But many couples just need a helping hand from mother nature to assist in their reproduction.
That’s where herbal supplements to increase fertility come in!
Herbs have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Herbs are even able to increase fertility and lead to a successful pregnancy in women.
Let’s examine 7 natural herbal supplements to give your fertility health a boost!
Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you click on them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.
Herbal Supplements To Increase Fertility
Red Raspberry Leaf
Red raspberry leaf is used for more than just fertility. It can cure a sore throat and reduce the frequency of diarrhea. Raspberry leaf tea is also used to reduce excessive postpartum bleeding.
This sweet and savory tea contains the substance tannin. Tannin is an astringent with the ability to contract body tissue to reduce inflammation.
So what does an astringent have to do with your fertility?
When it comes to fertility, an astringent in herbal supplements helps to reduce inflammation in the uterus. Drinking red raspberry leaf when trying to conceive allows the smooth muscles of uterus to relax.
For women who’ve experienced miscarriage, red raspberry leaf can help improve uterine health.
Red raspberry leaf decreases miscarriage risk, while helping with embryo implantation. This miracle tea also increases progesterone levels to further assist early implantation.
According to The Fertility Realm, at least 3 cups a day should be consumed while trying for a baby. Red raspberry leaf works best for fertility health when combined with red clover and stinging nettle.
It is best consumed in tea form, compared to pill form. So drink up to increase uterus health!
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Recipe For Increased Fertility
1 ounce of dried red raspberry leaves
1 quart of water
Add dried leaves to glass jar. Pour 1 quart of boiling water over leaves. Let steep overnight for at least 4 hours. Strain and refrigerate. Drink tea throughout the day either hot or cold during the entire ovulation cycle.
My Own Experience With Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
I’ve personally used red raspberry leaf tea for my own fertility and felt that it did improve my uterus health.
I drank it throughout the day from day 1 of my ovulation cycle and continued to drink it till I received a positive ovulation test.
In the second part of my cycle (the two-week wait) I decreased the amount to 1 cup per day.
Mainly just because you can only drink one tea so long before you get sick of the taste.
But red raspberry tea ramped my body up so I was able to ovulate on schedule.
This allowed my husband and I to better plan my inseminations with our fertility specialist.
My ovulation was more predictable when using red raspberry leaf tea.
Another great thing that occurred was I had significantly less period cramps. Woo hoo!
On a personal note… I like the taste of red raspberry leaf tea with a tablespoon or two of half n’ half or whipping cream.
Related articles: 6 Tips To Survive The Two-Week Wait
Red Clover
Fertility troubles can be the result of many different issues. If you are having a problem with decreased egg production, red clover may help.
When you take red clover, it acts in the body like estrogen. The hormone estrogen is essential for reproductive health.
Red clover increases estrogen surges that in turn causes your follicles to release an egg.
After an egg is released your body goes into ovulation mode.
Along with helping the body ramp up follicle and egg production, red clover also increases blood flow and thins mucus.
Often times, troubles conceiving is caused by inhospitable cervical mucus.
Basically, your cervical mucus is not allowing sperm to contact your egg. But this can be corrected with red clover.
Red clover thins cervical mucus to give sperm a better fighting chance.
In addition, your chances of a successful pregnancy increases by taking red clover because it detoxifies your body.
Detoxify your body of anything that could potentially harm a developing embryo.
By taking red clover, your body can be baby making ready!
Red Clover Recipe For Increased Fertility
Similar to red raspberry leaf, 1 oz. of dried red clover is combined with 1 qt. of boiling water and steeped for 4 hours plus. It is recommended to drink 1 to 3 cups daily for 3 to 6 months to prepare your body for pregnancy.
Stinging Nettle
Until recently, I never heard of stinging nettle for fertility. Now I’m kicking my own butt that I didn’t use this herb while trying to conceive my son.
Stinging nettle can be used in combination with red raspberry and red clover herbs to increase its effectiveness.
This herb is safe to use before and during pregnancy.
It helps your fertility by increasing iron levels to strengthen your uterus.
While also supporting uterus health, stinging nettle simultaneously strengthens the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands.
If your kidneys, liver and adrenal glands are healthy that means a healthier hormonal balance for you!
Stinging nettle can also remove harmful toxins that could interfere with conception.
Stinging Nettle Recipe For Increased Fertility
Nettle tea is brewed with fresh or dried leaves. With fresh leaves combine 1/2 cup with 2 cups of hot water. Steep for 15 minutes. For dried stinging nettle leaves combine 1 tablespoon with 1 cup of hot water.
For your fertility health, it is recommended to drink 1 to 2 cups daily a couple months before trying for a baby.
The Maca plant has long been used since the 1500’s to increase fertility. Maca behaves in the body as an adaptogen.
Basically, it adapts to any condition and restores the body back to health.
When Maca is consumed it helps fertility by balancing hormones’, specifically estrogen.
Without the proper amount of estrogen, you won’t have a regular period and your egg won’t be fertilized or implanted.
A lack of estrogen has also been linked to a higher risk of miscarriages.
However, once estrogen is increased miscarriage risk is lowered and more eggs are released during ovulation.
If you’ve been trying to conceive for any length of time, timed sex is stressful.
After a while, sex becomes more like a chore rather than for fun. Because of this, your libido could be lacking.
Research found a link between stress and trying to conceive. If stress levels are high, libido is low.
Fortunately, Maca is able to resolve this issue. The herb is actually able to decrease stress levels.
No more heightened stress levels when trying to conceive!
Maca helps you focus on the intimacy of making a baby with your husband.
Maca is taken in capsule form with the recommended dosage of 500 mg to 3,000 mg.
A warning: Sometimes maca can cause stomach upset.
I know. It sounds like something you put in a big iron pot for a witch’s brew.
For years, countries like China and India used mugwort to treat absent periods in women.
Without a regular menstrual cycle, your body doesn’t ovulate.
Trust me, I hate my monthly visitor just as much as any woman.
But when I’m trying to make a baby, I know getting aunt flow to arrive regularly is important for fertility health.
If I’m getting my period on time, that means my body’s working correctly.
But if you experience delayed or absent periods without being pregnant, your body needs something to help produce regular periods. Mugwort maybe just what your body needs.
Before using costly fertility medications with the hope of producing normal periods, try herbal supplements instead.
Mugwort works by generating increased blood flow to the uterus to aid to your natural menses rhythm. While mugwort is perfect for normalizing periods or returning absent periods, the taste is very bitter.
You have been warned!
To combat the bitterness of mugwort, it’s suggested to mix mugwort with tastier herbs like lavender, ginger and lemon balm.
Mugwort Recipe For Increased Fertility
You can brew the perfect cup of mugwort tea by combining 1 to 2 teaspoons of mugwort with 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink up!
For fertility it is recommended to drink 3 times a day.
Many women get confused between chasteberry, vitex and vitex agnus-castus. They are all the same herb.
The names are used interchangeably in the supplement market.
Although scientists don’t know how vitex works for female fertility, it is clear that it does balance hormones.
Chasteberry/vitex works by directly affecting the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is responsible for hormone production.
With chasteberry/vitex the pituitary gland releases the perfect amount of hormones to give your reproductive system exactly what it needs.
If you experience PMS, irregular/missing periods, low progesterone, high estrogen, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) or a short luteal phase, chasteberry may help you!
Chasteberry could alleviate your hormonal imbalances causing a multitude of issues including not getting pregnant.
The Journal of Women’s Health and Gender-Based Medicine found a 93% decrease in PMS symptoms after only 3 months of taking chasteberry/vitex. 93%!
I don’t know about you, but if I can get any kind of relief from my PMS… It’s worth trying for 3 months.
Since taking prescribed fertility medications in combinations with inseminations, I feel like my hormones are out of control. Before fertility medication, I never had PMS.
But thanks to harsh fertility medication like clomid my PMS symptoms are out of control.
Although I didn’t take chasteberry when trying to conceive my son, I will be ordering it soon just to relieve my crazy PMS symptoms.
Other Benefits Chasteberry Provides For Fertility
Along with relieving PMS symptoms, chasteberry balances estrogen and progesterone.
Because of this corrected hormone balance, chasteberry reduces uterine fibroids caused by hormonal imbalances.
This herb improves overall fertility for women who experience a shorter luteal phase resulting from low progesterone levels.
Research has shown women diagnosed with a short luteal phase can benefit from taking chasteberry for 3 months.
In the study, 48 women with infertility took chasteberry. At the end of 3 months, 7 women were pregnant and 25 women had normal progesterone levels.
Chasteberry is an herb that’s consumed in pill form. The recommended dosage for chasteberry is 500 mg to 1000 mg per day. This herb is not fast acting. Results should appear after a 3 month period.
A warning: Chasteberry is not recommended if you are taking fertility medication prescribed by your doctor. If you are taking birth control (which I’m sure you’re not if you’re reading this article and trying to get pregnant), don’t take chasteberry.
It can make birth control ineffective, resulting in pregnancy.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil contains a 5 fold benefit for your fertility. It relieves PMS symptoms, tones the uterus, provides hormonal balance, improves organ health and increases cervical mucus. Wow!
The other herbal supplements I’ve already discussed can relieve PMS, strengthen the uterus and balance hormones…
But what’s important about evening primrose oil is how it improves cervical mucus and organ health.
This incredible herb is full of omega 3 fatty acids that help with the building of reproductive cells. It also decreases possible inflammation with reproductive organs.
Think of it this way… Evening primrose oil helps build cells to eventually form into a bundle of cells that will grow into your baby. Sounds fantastic right?
The same fatty acids aiding to reproductive cellular growth also help increase cervical mucus.
Increased production of cervical mucus aids in helping sperm swim through your fallopian tubes to meet your awaiting egg.
Using Evening Primrose Oil For Fertility
It is suggested to only take evening primrose oil from day 1 to day 14 (or when ovulation occurs). The recommended dosage is between 1,500 mg to 3,000 mg.
A warning: Do not take evening primrose oil after ovulation or the second half of your cycle. The herb causes uterine contractions interfering with implantation.
Always make sure to track your ovulation with reliable sources. Don’t assume you ovulate on day 14 of your cycle.
You can’t just go off of a calendar (trust me I’ve been wrong on this). Even if you do have regular cycles.
Test your ovulation with an ovulation test kit and/or a basal temperature thermometer.
Final Thoughts About Herbal Supplements To Increase Fertility
Trying to conceive is a stressful time. After some time has passed, you begin to get frustrated with every aspect of trying, including timed sex.
If you’ve experience troubles conceiving, you may want to give a natural supplement like these 6 herbs a try!
Sometimes becoming pregnant can easily be achieved with a little help from mother nature before investing in expensive fertility medications and treatment.
I’m not saying not to pursue fertility treatment. It is definitely beneficial. My own son was born with the help of medical science!
But a natural remedy like herbal supplements could be your first line of defense against your infertility issues.
Always remember to talk to your healthcare provider when it comes to introducing any herbal supplements into your everyday life. Some herbs can render certain prescription medication ineffective.
Your doctor may also suggest over herbal medications to address your specific needs for your fertility health.
What are you waiting for?
Try one of these 6 herbal supplements to increase your fertility health! You never know, it could make your dream of holding a baby in your arms a reality!
What other herbal supplements to increase fertility have you tried?
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Works Cited
How To Use Evening Primrose For Infertility
Vitex Or Chasteberry, The Female-Friendly Fruit For PMS And More
How To Use Vitex For Hormone Balance and Fertility
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6 Herbs Proven To Enhance Natural Fertility
Red Raspberry Tea and Fertility
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