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Fertility Myths Hurting Your Chances Of Pregnancy

Fertility Myths Hurting Your Chances Of Pregnancy

fertility myths

When it comes to the facts surrounding fertility, there is a significant amount of misinformation floating around.

People frequently do not even suspect that they have a misunderstanding of the situation.

You can’t move forward with having a baby now or in the future if you don’t have a solid understanding of the fertility topic. Period.

It is necessary for you to have an understanding of the process of fertility.

Getting these misconceptions about fertility out of the way is a great way to get started on the path to parenthood!

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Fertility Myths Not To Believe

Fertility Myth #1

The belief that the vast majority of couples will achieve pregnancy as soon as they begin trying

Every single article on sexual education will tell you that you can become pregnant after having as little as one sexual encounter in which you are not adequately protected.

People who are constantly reminded of the possibility of these outcomes, on the other hand, develop the misconception that becoming pregnant is simple and that all that is required is for the prospective mother to stop using any form of contraception.

In point of fact, however, it takes the majority of couples anywhere from several months to upwards of a year of trying before they are successful in conceiving a child.

Even in the case of couples who are at their most fertile, there is only a one in four chance that they will not conceive during the month in which they try.

It may take many different couples up to a year or even longer before they are successful. Therefore, fertility treatment is required in this scenario.

Fertility Myth #2

The idea that a woman can continue to have children for as long as she continues to ovulate.

The ability of both men and women to have children decreases as they get older. However, women experience a marked decline at an earlier stage.

There is widespread consensus among fertility specialists that the age of 35 marks the beginning of a discernible decline in fertility.

In point of fact, however, it is not so much a cutoff as it is a gradual decline that begins somewhere around the age of 30.

Once you reach this age, your chances of becoming pregnant will decrease by 3% every year thereafter.

This rate drops even more rapidly after the age of 35, and by the time a couple reaches the age of 40, infertility has set in for half of all couples.

If this trend continues for another five years, the likelihood of a woman becoming pregnant each month is only five percent.

It is not the same thing to say that ovulation rates fall because saying that fertility and chances of conception decrease is not the same thing.

Although women may have regular ovulation, their fertility may still be on the decline.

The issue is that after the age of 30, the quality of the eggs that are produced as a result of ovulation declines with each passing month, making it more difficult to conceive.

They typically suffer from genetic abnormalities and are not particularly fertile as a result.

Even when conception does take place, there is still a chance that the child will have some of these genetic abnormalities.

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Fertility Myth #3

The mentality that one must race against the clock in order to succeed

It is essential to have a solid understanding of the fact that a woman’s fertility, or her capacity to produce healthy eggs, declines only with the passage of time.

The capacity of the rest of the reproductive system to carry a pregnancy to full term is unaffected by the condition.

If a woman does not go through menopause, she has the same chance of carrying a healthy pregnancy to term at age 45 as she does at age 25.

Menopause is a natural process that occurs in women after the age of 45.

This means that a woman who wishes to delay having a baby because she isn’t sure of her current partner or because she wants better financial stability does not have to worry about her biological clock running out.

She can put off having a baby for as long as she likes without having to worry about the possibility of her clock running out.

It is always an option for her to collect her eggs at the age of 25, when they are in the best possible health, and then wait to start a family until her circumstances are more favorable.

She is able to make use of her eggs at that time and easily carry her pregnancy to term.

Studies conducted by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine have demonstrated that vitrified or frozen eggs have a high potential for producing healthy offspring when used in in vitro fertilization procedures.

Fertility Myth #4

There is always a risk of infertility when dealing with a weak man or an infertile woman

Men have a tendency to believe that anything that goes wrong with the process of having a baby probably happens to the woman because nearly everything that has to do with having a baby happens with the woman.

The fact of the matter is, however, that reproductive issues with the male partner are at least part of the reason in at least sixty percent of the cases of infertility that affect couples.

Infertility in men has nothing to do with a man’s physical or mental strength; in fact, it has been reported that world-renowned athletes have fertility issues.

fertility myths

Fertility Myth #5

You are more likely to have twins if you undergo treatment for infertility

Multiple births, including twins and triplets, are unfortunately not uncommon after undergoing IVF treatment.

According to a report published in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), recent advances in the field of in vitro fertilization (IVF) have led to a decline in the number of cases in which women give birth to twins or even triplets.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to keep in mind that the science of fertility is continuously advancing; there are a huge number of research efforts currently being put forth.

The percentage of projects that are completed successfully is currently at an all-time high.

It doesn’t matter what your fertility issue is, if you don’t believe any of the myths presented above, your chances of having a successful pregnancy will always be higher.

If you believe any of these fertility myths, you are only setting yourself up for low self-esteem and hope when it comes to trying to start a family.

If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year, you should talk to a fertility specialist about all of your concerns regarding your fertility.

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Friday 18th of February 2022

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