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Sunshine Bloggers Award


I had the shock of my life a few days ago when I noticed I was getting referrals to my website from another blogger.  I’d never seen that before in my analytics.

So I clicked over the Mama and More website and discovered that Kaylee the creator and author of Mama and More nominated Pitter Patter of Baby Feet for the Sunshine Bloggers Award!

*Scream* I can’t believe someone would think of my blog at all for an award.  I’m still stunned and extremely grateful!

Pitter Patter of Baby Feet has come a long way in almost 4 short months and I’m beyond appreciative of every page view!

Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you click on them to make a purchase I will earn a commission.  Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.  The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

What is the Sunshine Bloggers Award?

It’s a peer recognition award for bloggers who are positive, creative, and inspiring.  There are a couple of rules to this award:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
3. Nominate at least 11 new bloggers to receive the awards and ask them 11 questions
4. List these rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo


Here’s My 11 Questions From Kaylee at Mama and More

If you could choose any superpower what would it be?
I don’t know if time travel is a superpower but I feel like it should be.  If I were able to time travel I would be able to go back and connect with people I’ve lost touch with over the years and also go back and remedy any bad situations in my life.  But not change the mistakes that I’ve made because the mistakes essentially make you who you are today.   However, I could resolve certain situations differently in my life so they could have had a better outcome.
As a child what did you dream about doing for a living?
Anything to do with animals!  I love animals and  not just cats and dogs.  I’m talking wild animals everything except spiders and insects. I’m not an insect person except butterflies. I definitely dreamed of becoming a veterinarian or a veterinarian assistant which obviously that didn’t happen… should have followed through with that dream.  Is panda hugger an official job title? 🙂
What are your top 5 blogging necessities?
1. laptop
2. editing software
3. paper and pen
4. a corkboard (for keeping all my blogging notes)
5. creativity
What is one interesting thing about you that most people don’t know?
I definitely consider myself an old soul.  I have a big love for 40s big band music and also I like to binge watch Doris Day movies from the 60s. Some of my favorite TV shows are I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, Gilligan’s Island and The Love Boat!  Yes, I might be a little geeky…
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
This one’s an easy one… traveling!  I really don’t go on expensive vacations and I am certainly jealous of everybody who has the time and the money to do that.  One of my ultimate bucket list goals is to visit all the Disneyland’s around the world and I feel like in my life and the amount of money my husband I make that this is an impossibility.  Unfortunately, this makes me cry a little bit.
What’s your favorite show to binge watch on Netflix or Hulu?
I don’t have Netflix or Hulu but this doesn’t stop me from binge-watching shows.  So here’s my mini list because I can’t just pick one.
The Golden Girls
American Horror Story
Harry Potter movies
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies
If you had to go back in time and pick your college major what would you choose?
Well for my bachelor’s I majored in Psychology and then when I got my masters I majored in forensic psychology. I definitely wouldn’t do any of those because life did not go the way I intended it and I’m now a stay-at-home mom and blogger.  But I’m the happiest I’ve ever been! I really feel my college degrees are completely useless because I’m not using them currently so I would much rather go into something that could actually be applied more in the real world.  I’d probably have to choose either not going to college at all or choosing a major such as marine biology.  I do dream about doing research with sharks…
What’s your favorite blog post to date?
This is a hard question because I consider all of my blog to be my second baby.  A lot of hard work goes behind the scenes into Pitter Patter of Baby Feet.  But I have to say instead of just one article, it has to be anything that I’ve written about fertility.
Writing about fertility has a special place in my heart because both my husband and I struggled with infertility and getting pregnant.  If I can help at least one person through one of my fertility articles by giving them direction towards fertility treatment or just to be comforted that they’re not alone in their fertility journey… then I am beyond happy about the articles I write.
What is the one way you relieve stress at the end of the day?
I know it’s going to sound boring, but the one way I relieve stress at the end of the day is either by writing or reading.  I’m into reading high fantasy series books and they really propel you into a completely different world that is full of characters and creatures.  That’s kind of my escape from reality and any kind of stress that happened during the day.
If there is one thing you could tell yourself 5 years ago what would it be?
5 years ago I was just starting my infertility journey and I would definitely would tell myself not to be afraid and to start fertility treatment earlier. I could have avoided the multiple bad doctors who just were inconsiderate and rude and told me to give it time and wait.  Well that’s not sound advice when you actually have an infertility issue.  I would definitely pursue treatment earlier with a fertility specialist and would have had children sooner.
What do you love most about yourself?
I have to say my creativity.  I feel I am never lacking creative thoughts whatsoever.  Whether it’s from thinking of new articles to write to anything having to do with my blog, or even painting, drawing. It’s the number one thing I love about myself because if I keep creating things, than this life is never going to get boring.

Here are the 11 bloggers I nominate for the Sunshine Bloggers Award:

Rose Barnett

Crazy About Naptime

The Twin Wrangler

Half Stay At Home Mom

Our Mama Village

The Fox Den Blog

Young Gifted And A Mama

Mother Haggard

Blunders In Babyland

Silva Spoons

A Little Knick A Little Knack

Here are the new questions for the 11 listed bloggers above!

What inspired you to start a blog?

What is a good book you’ve finished lately that you would recommend to others?

Other than your blog, what is your biggest accomplishment in your life?

If you could do anything for a living, what would it be?

What are your top 3 favorite TV shows?

What is the biggest accomplishment you have had with your blog?

What is your favorite blog post to date?

What is your blogging goal for the month?

What is your favorite guilty indulgence dessert?

What do you do during your “me time” away from kids?

What do you love most about yourself?


Congratulations on your nominations,

Liz Talton/ Pitter Patter of Baby Feet


Sunday 19th of August 2018

Hey, Liz! Thank you so much for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I feel so honored that you thought of me. And (sorry, this is random) I love your sciatica back pain article. Super helpful!

Liz Talton

Sunday 19th of August 2018


No problem, you're most welcome! You deserve it! I read, follow and repin all your blog posts. Thank you for reading the sciatica in pregnancy article.

Liz Talton

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