Have you ever found yourself wondering, “Do I have social anxiety?” Social anxiety is a specific form of anxiety. Those with social anxiety are not shy, rude, antisocial, or introverted. They simply become overwhelmed with fear in situations where they have to interact with other people. The signs of social anxiety are not always …
Mental symptoms
Children are loud! And let’s face it, very needy! They need lots of attention especially from their mother. All mothers love to take care of their children, but sometimes this mental strain leads to stimulation overload or more commonly referred to as sensory overload. Before children, you probably didn’t find yourself easily agitated by …
Problems with hormones is a fact of life for women. Our hormones fluctuate throughout our cycles. We’re basically on a hormonal rollercoaster. While big events like giving birth causes your hormones to go completely out of whack, a hormonal imbalance presents itself for a multitude of reasons. At times, extreme stress in your life …