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9 Things To Remove To Increase Implantation Success

9 Things To Remove To Increase Implantation Success

Implantation is when an egg embeds in the lining of the uterus.

No one knows the exact moment implantation occurs because it’s different for each woman depending on the time of ovulation.

However, science agrees an egg implants between days 6 to 12 after ovulation.

Since this is a fragile timeframe, you need to take special care not to do anything that might affect the success of implantation.

It’s estimated that 40% of eggs never implant resulting in a failed cycle.

To increase your chances of successful implantation, you need to eliminate certain things that could interfere with it.

Let’s take a look at 9 things that can negatively affect implantation success.

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Everyday Things To Remove To Increase Implantation Success

1. Taking Anti-Inflammatories

Anti-inflammatories are a class of medications that reduce swelling and inflammation in the body.

Some common over-the-counter medications (also known as NSAIDs) are Advil, Aleve and Motrin. But what’s the big deal in taking anti-inflammatories around the time of implantation?

A study found taking anti-inflammatories after ovulation increased miscarriage rate by 80%.

Miscarriage rates increase with the use of anti-inflammatories because they prevent the uterine lining from developing a thicker wall.

Without a thick wall to grab and implant in, an egg doesn’t attach.

It’s best to avoid anti-inflammatories all together after ovulation!

Anti-inflammatory medication can be replaced with an acetaminophen medication like Tylenol.

Tylenol is considered safe to take before and during pregnancy.

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2. Over-Exercising

According to basically everyone, exercise is extremely good for overall health.

Even your fertility health! But, too much exercise is detrimental and won’t increase implantation success.

After ovulation and around the time of implantation it’s completely fine to exercise with a routine you’re accustom to.

You can even start a new exercise program.

However, if exercise is taken to the extreme (no rest days and not eating enough) an egg may fail to implant.

Think of this in a simple formula…

If you’re expending more energy through exercise and not recovering with rest days and adequate food, your body may lack in essential nutrients to help an egg implant.

Several studies point to the connection of over exercising and fertility issues.

Exercising (vigorously) for more than seven hours a week raises the risk of ovulation issues or a disruption in the menstrual cycle.

In addition, strenuous exercise of four or more hours a week decreases their chances of a successful IVF cycle.

While you don’t have to skip exercising during the luteal phase or two-week wait, it’s best to take it easy.

Don’t push your body too hard and rest when you need it!

If you’re concerned about over-exerting yourself and interfering with implantation, try fertility yoga to promote fitness and relaxation.

3. Too Much Caffeine

Who doesn’t love a cup of coffee (or 12 cups) a day? But caffeine is a double-edged sword.

While some studies point to the great health benefits coffee provides, too much caffeine can hinder implantation.

So how much caffeine can you have after ovulation?

200 mg’s or two cups of coffee.

Multiple studies point to an increased risk of miscarriage in women who consumed over 200 mg’s.

In fact, those who drank over 200 mg’s of caffeine doubled their risk of miscarriage.

In a 2011 study, the British Journal of Pharmacology discovered that caffeine relaxes the muscles of the fallopian tubes.

When the fallopian tube muscles relax, an egg is not able to reach the uterus for implantation.

The best way to lower your miscarriage rate during the luteal phase is by watching your caffeine intake to make sure it stays below 200 mg’s.

This is also the recommended daily limit for pregnancy as well.

Here’s a quick list of foods with high amounts of caffeine:

  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks
  • Chocolate
  • Tea (For example: Green tea)
  • “Power” or nutrition bars (always read the labels)
  • Coffee-flavored yogurt and frozen treats

If you’re unsure of whether something has “hidden” caffeine read the label just to be sure!

4. Eating Too Much Gluten

You’ve probably heard in the news recently that many people are going “gluten-free.”

Many people are discovering they have an autoimmune disorder which makes them sensitive to the protein in wheat, barley and rye (gluten).

But what does a sensitivity to gluten have to do with fertility and implantation?

The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research discovered that infertile couples have a high rate of celiac disease than those with no fertility issues.

That’s because celiac disease in women can lead to secondary amenorrhea and fewer ovulations.

In men, celiac disease lowers testosterone levels needed to make normal sperm.

While this is significant research… It should be noted the link between infertile couples and celiac disease is one of many issues affecting fertility.

I’m not saying you need to be “gluten-free” to aid implantation.

However, if you’re exhibiting symptoms of celiac disease it’s important to talk with your doctor about the possibility of having the autoimmune disorder.

Especially if you are having trouble conceiving.

Women who have celiac disease have increased menstrual issues and fewer ovulations.

Without regular ovulation, implantation of an egg in the uterus cannot take place.

Remember: You should not go “gluten-free” unless directed by a doctor!


5. Not Controlling Stress Levels

It’s impossible to get rid of the stress that trying to conceive causes. But you can try to lessen it!

I’ve said it many times before throughout other articles… Not all the stress in your life can be controlled.

You simply cannot control what other people say or do that may cause you stress.

Even though it’s not always possible to control stress, stress adds up to be detrimental to your fertility health.

That’s because stress does not only affect you mentally, but also physically.

When you’re experiencing extreme amounts of stress it affects your body’s ability to produce FSH and LH are greatly reduced. Both FSH and LH are crucial for the development of mature eggs.

If you’re under stress and LH is decreased it could delay or cause your luteal phase to last longer than normal.

That means your menstrual cycle will become disrupted and implantation may not occur.

So how do you manage stress levels to increase your chances of a successful implantation?

Try the following ways to relieve stress:

  • Exercise
  • Find a support network
  • Journal your thoughts
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Say “No” to certain situations and people causing you stress

6. Not Taking A Multivitamin

Most people cannot get all their needed daily vitamins and minerals from diet alone.

Thankfully, a multivitamin will take care of your nutritional gaps.

Your body depends on certain vitamins and minerals to function properly.

Without certain vitamin needs being met, even the menstrual cycle will begin to suffer.

Once anything reproductively decreases, implantation also begins to suffer, lowering your chances to increase implantation success.

Although a regular women’s multivitamin will give you your daily dose, there are specialty multivitamins designed for women who are trying to conceive.

Fertility Enhancing Multivitamins:

7. Using A Hot Tub

Yes, a spa day with hot tubs and saunas are great for stress relief and are normally recommended.

But, beware of hot tubs and saunas!

Women who are trying to conceive need to stray on the side of caution when it comes to heated environments.

It is best to abide by the same rules that pregnant women do… Keep the temperature at 103 F or below!

While there’s no specific studies that point toward heated environments and implantation, but it’s better to be safe!

Anything that could disrupt your chances to increase implantation success is a no go.

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8. Eating Foods High In Mercury

Don’t worry you don’t have to quit eating fish! But you need to be aware of what types of fish contain high amounts of mercury.

The British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology studied 150 infertile couples and found over 1/3 of men and 23% of women had high concentrations of mercury.

However, this study was conducted in Hong Kong where consumption of fish is high.

There’s still might be something to this study when it comes to mercury interfering with conception and implantation.

Since high amounts of mercury need to be avoided during pregnancy, it’s also best to avoid for women who are trying to conceive.

Although there’s no direct link between mercury and implantation, you may want to still avoid it.

Foods With High Amounts Of Mercury:

  • Shark
  • King Mackerel
  • Tilefish
  • Swordfish
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

9. Not Eating A Fertility Based Diet To Increase Implantation Success

There’s a diet for everything now-a-days and that includes fertility. Getting pregnant is big business and you need to be in top physical condition.

To increase your chances of a successful implantation, start eating a fertility based diet!

The Fertility Diet is fairly straight forward and easy to follow.

Here are some key points from the diet to give you a crash course:

  • Avoid processed forms of soy
  • Avoid sugary drinks (drink coffee and tea in moderation)
  • Eat whole foods over processed ones
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and eat natural sugars instead
  • One to two servings of full-fat dairy per day
  • Eat more plant protein, less red meat and more fish
  • Substitute processed carbs for complex carbs
  • Increase plant-based fats

Obviously, this is an extremely quick crash course! To better understand the diet just purchase The Fertility Diet book.

That’s literally all you need to increase your overall fertility and increase implantation success.

While The Fertility Diet book will provide you with an easy science backed diet plan, it only comes with a week’s worth of food ideas.

Honestly, to take the guess-work out of meal planning, purchase a cookbook based around the fertility diet.

I highly recommend the book Fertility Foods: 100+ Recipes To Nourish Your Body While Trying To Conceive.


Related Articles: The All-In-One Guide For Anyone Trying To Conceive

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Final Thoughts To Increase Implantation Success

Although there are many reasons behind failed cycles, one of the most common reasons is failed implantation.

When you don’t get pregnant month after month it can be hard to narrow down the cause of the failed cycles.

But if you’re doing any of the nine things above, you’re actually decreasing your chances to increase implantation success.

By changing your lifestyle and eating habits you can significantly increase your chances of an egg attaching to your uterus.

Please note, there is no “promise” of anything guaranteeing implantation. There are only things that can “increase” your chances.

Try eliminating the following things from your life to aid implantation:

  • Ditch anti-inflammatories
  • Don’t over-exercise
  • Keep caffeine consumption under 200 mg’s
  • Try eating less gluten (or talk to your doctor if you exhibit celiac disease symptoms)
  • Say no to hot tubs and saunas
  • Eliminate high amounts of mercury
  • Take your multivitamin
  • Eat a fertility based diet
  • Control your stress levels

Always remember that when your trying to conceive, a successful cycle takes time.

Many couples who are trying to conceive naturally will try for up to 12 months to get pregnant.

Never give up and keep hope that implantation will occur to result in pregnancy.

But also remember that there are things you can do to increase implantation naturally!

If you or someone you know is struggling with faith during infertility or trying to conceive, this book is a perfect companion!

When You Can’t Find The Words To Pray provides you with…

  • A topic related to infertility each day

  • 3 bible verses focused around the topic of the day

  • A prayer per day


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