Have you had rain ruin your family’s outdoor Easter egg hunt? Do you live in an apartment with no outdoor space?
That’s why you always need to have a plan B for both outdoor and indoor Easter egg hunt ideas!
It’s nice to have a big backyard for Easter egg hunts, but it’s not required!
You don’t need tons of space for your children to have a good time, nor do you need to fill plastic eggs with small candies.
You can give your family an Easter to remember with these 12 creative and unique twists on the traditional Easter egg hunt!
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Outdoor and Indoor Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
Feel The Glow
How about an egg hunt in the dark?! That’s right turn out the lights and have your kids search for glow in the dark Easter eggs.
This activity can be done in a spacious backyard during the evening or inside.
If you’re hiding glow in the dark eggs inside it is best to clear large and small obstacles so no one trips and falls!
Also, with smaller children, it may be wise to plug in a nightlight or two to help them see their way around.
To get Easter eggs to glow, you have two options:
-Place mini glowsticks inside clear or white plastic eggs
-Use glow in the dark craft paint on hard-boiled eggs
Just remember to let the glow in the dark paint “charge” under a light for a few minutes to get a maximum glow when the lights go out!
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Simon Says, Egg Hunt
Simon Says is a simple game children love to play! Instead of someone being Simon to say the directions, you can stuff Easter eggs with small candy and a piece of paper with a quick instructional activity.
Try some of the following fun “Simon Says” indoor Easter egg hunt ideas:
-Hop like a bunny to the next egg
-Chirp like a baby chicken
-Wiggle your nose like a bunny
-Flap your wings like a baby chick
-Do a somersault
This will not only make egg hunting interactive, but it will burn extra energy as well!
Leave Clues
Fill plastic Easter eggs with short clues to guide your children to the next egg they need to collect.
Of course, this is one of the indoor Easter egg hunting ideas that will take extra planning and preparation from you.
It will all be well worth it to see your kids solve the mystery of clues to find every egg!
While this egg hunt activity would work well with one child, two or more children could work together to solve clues to discover their next egg.
Then, divide the eggs (with candy or other prizes) after all the eggs have been collected.
Or if you are a pro at planning, you can color coordinate the eggs and clues!
That way each child can only collect their own colored eggs and clues to find the same colors.
Letter Hunt
Letter hunt works well for older children of preschool age and above. Simply, paint or write (with a permanent marker) a single letter on each egg and hide them.
Your children then need to find the eggs to spell out a written list of words. The difficulty of the words depends on the age of your children.
You children can spell out words like C-H-I-C-K, F-L-O-W-E-R, E-G-G, B-U-N-N-Y, and more!
Solve A Puzzle
This is one of those great indoor Easter egg hunt ideas to help your children come together to solve a puzzle with their Easter eggs.
Create a small or large puzzle with a special Easter drawing or message by using blank puzzle pieces and craft paint.
Once the puzzle dries, place one piece in each plastic egg and hide them.
Have your children collect all the hidden eggs (color-coded to each child or not).
Then, your children will need to collect every hidden egg to finish the puzzle.
Camouflage Egg Hunt
Are your children getting too good at finding Easter eggs? Try camouflaging Easter eggs!
You can paint your eggs green to match the grass.
Brown to match the potty soil in your houseplant.
Wrap the eggs with twine to match your indoor rustic décor.
Color-Coded Race
This is one of the timed indoor Easter egg hunt ideas that filled with fun! Start by assigning each child an egg color they need to create.
Then, start a timer and see who can collect their colored eggs the fastest!
To make this egg hunting competition worthwhile, have a grand prize waiting for whoever wins!
Find The Golden Egg
The golden egg is the ultimate “egg-tastic” prize for Easter! Although it’s not real gold, your child will be excited anyway to find it.
This egg needs to be painted gold (of course) and hidden very well!
You can either have a special small toy hidden inside, money, or a larger prize for whoever finds it!
Leave “Bread Crumbs”
The idea of leaving “bread crumbs” is to leave a trail of Jellybeans, Cheerio’s, or other small candy to lead your children to each egg.
This is a perfect indoor Egg hunt for younger children!
Solve The Equation
This egg hunt is for school-aged children or children who are advanced in their math skills.
Now, depending on your children, you can make the math equations as simple or as difficult as you want!
All you need to do is paint or write numbers on each egg. But they need to be numbered equations with a logical answer.
For instance, if your child finds an egg with a 2 on it, and another with a 3. Your child then needs to add 2+3 to find the egg with a 5.
While this is a simple equation, you can go more difficult for older children by using multiplication or division for the math equations.
The best way to help your child complete an equation is to provide them a written list with each equation (no answers).
Race To The Finish
Why not create a race out of egg hunting? But there is absolutely no running!
Instead, have your children, hop like a bunny, somersault, or waddle like a penguin to find and collect eggs.
For this fun indoor egg hunt, I would definitely assign colors for a child to collect to keep one child from finding all the eggs.
Final Thoughts
The amount of indoor Easter egg hunt ideas are endless! As long as you’re willing to get creative and have fun each year during Easter, your family’s egg hunt will be memorable!
Each of these indoor egg hunts can be taken outdoors. But that all depends on the weather and where you live!
Don’t worry if you live in a small apartment, egg hunting will still be amazing for your children!