Whether you are just getting started with your online business or are a seasoned pro, writing and distributing articles is one of the most effective and low-cost ways to drive a lot of targeted traffic to your site.
This is true whether you are just getting started with your online business or are a seasoned pro.
You can gain free traffic to your website by writing articles and submitting them to article directories.
When visitors click on the link in your resource box, they will be taken to your website.
Because of the large number of links that will be directed to your website as a result of this method, search engine rankings might be significantly improved.
Let’s have a look at the several approaches you might take when beginning to write articles with these 5 writing tips!
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5 Writing Tips For Increased Proficiency
Create A List Article
Creating a “Top Ten List” as the first part of an article is a simple method to get started writing it.
Pick a subject that is relevant to your company and jot down 10 reasons why someone should buy your product or offer advise on a subject that is relevant to your website.
You can also do this for a subject that is relevant to your business.
Some examples of top ten lists are the top ten reasons to write articles, the top ten strategies to get your infant to sleep through the night, and the top ten reasons to purchase auto insurance.
As soon as you have compiled your list of ten objects, you should then write a brief paragraph on each one, expanding upon the reason for it.
The following step is to incorporate an introductory paragraph into your list, which should draw the attention of the reader.
For instance, the beginning to an article about teaching a baby to sleep through the night can describe how challenging it is to get through the day and how sleep deprived you are until you teach your kid to sleep through the night.
The final step of your post should consist of either a review of what you have just discussed in the form of top ten lists or a call to action based on the information you have just presented.
Congrats, you just wrote an article. Naturally, you can condense this into a top five list with little effort at all.
Just expand upon each of your points a little bit more in your writing.
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Make A Recording Of Your Article
Some people find it more convenient to record oneself when they are discussing a particular subject, and then to transcribe what they have recorded and edit it into an article.
If you find that it is much simpler for you to talk about a certain subject than it is to write about it, then this may be an excellent choice for you.
Choose a subject, and then begin rambling on about it as though you were describing it to a friend.
Simply start babbling, and ideas will start to come to you as you go.
Now, listen to the recording you made. Put what you think are the most important elements into order, and then write them down.
You just need an introduction and a conclusion to call it a new article.
Use The Services Of A Ghost Writer
If you are having trouble creating articles or just do not have the time to do so, you can still benefit from article marketing by hiring a ghostwriter.
This will allow you to continue to take advantage of this marketing strategy.
Ghost Writers will create original content for you to publish, which will then be considered your intellectual property.
You are free to present them as your own work and publish them on your website, in your blog, and in article directories.
You can hire a ghost writer using platforms such as elance.com. In addition to that, there are a number of freelance writers that maintain their own websites.
Articles can typically be purchased for anywhere from $5 and $65 dollars.
Draft an Outline And Hire A Professional Writer
Although this is the costliest of the 5 writing tips, it is well worth the money. But always remember- You get what you pay for.
The best advice for hiring a professional writer is to first look at their portfolio of previous articles.
This will help you get a sense for how well they write and what they write about best!
If you don’t want to undertake all of the writing yourself, another alternative is for you to produce a basic overview of the article and the idea that you want to convey.
Make a note of any thoughts you have regarding the article, and then ask and hire the assistance of a friend or a professional writer to develop those thoughts into an article.
Because you were the one who came up with the idea for the article’s content in the first place, you could feel more at ease passing off these pieces as your own.
It was just formatted for you in the shape of an article by another person.
You should begin engaging in article marketing immediately, as there is no valid excuse for you to delay doing so.
After you have published a few articles, you can kick back, relax, and watch the traffic come in.
You are going to be so amazed by the results that you may receive even from a small number of articles that you are going to be creating articles and submitting them on a constant basis.
Research And Use PLR Articles
PLR stand for Private Label Rights. These are article that are created once by someone and sold with all the rights to use it as your own.
While it may be similar to “ghost written articles,” PLR articles can be used by anyone many times over instead of just bought once (by you) and used only by you.
Odds are a PLR article you see and like has already been used by hundreds of other websites. This creates a problem!
The worst thing for your website is to have copied content from another website!
So, there is a key to using PLR Articles for success!
First- Start by researching PLR article websites and make sure to read the “rights” to make sure you can use and change anything you want about the article.
Second- Change the article to fit your style of writing voice.
Third- Add in personality! Interweave your own experiences into the article with the PLR content.
Fourth- Always run the article through a plagiarism program! This is vital to these 5 writing tips. Never buy a PLR article and simply copy and paste it on your website.
Search engine giants like Google and Yahoo will penalize your website and keep you from ranking in search engine results.
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Final Thoughts
These 5 writing tips for writing in less time are perfect if you are just starting out on your writing career.
Yes, writing is not only a passion. But your passion can become your career where you make money off of it!
Don’t be overwhelmed and discouraged when starting out.
Like with any skill, writing takes practice!
All the great writings of all time were not created overnight.
So, follow these 5 writing tips to get you started today to follow your dream of being a writer.
Works Cited
Writing Tips: 40 Pieces of Advice From Industry Experts (jerryjenkins.com)
Creative Writing Tips for Beginners: 10 Top Tips (prowritingaid.com)